The 43rd Mountain Top Roundup is BACK! Make Reservations NOW! Click the image to download the PDF Click the link or button to register. … [Read more...]
District 2 Business Meeting Minutes Oct 2024
1. Opening: Time and Date: Oct 27, 2024 Welcome: A brief welcome by David P. Serenity Prayer: David P. opens the meeting with the Serenity Prayer. Reading AA Traditions: Patricia C. reads traditions 1, 2, and 5. Introductions: Round of introductions, including name and home group. Sign-Up Sheet: Stephanie I. passes around the attendance sheet. 2. Reports: Secretary's Report: Stephanie I. reviews minutes. Nick Y. makes a motion for correction, "Hartselle Hope … [Read more...]
District 2 Meeting Minutes July 21, 2024
1. Opening: Time and Date: July 21, 2024 4:00pm Welcome: A brief welcome by the DCM David P. Serenity Prayer: David P. opened the meeting with the Serenity Prayer. Reading AA Traditions: John S. read traditions 1, 2, and 5. Introductions: Round of introductions, including name and home group. Sign Up Sheet: Pass around the attendance sheet. 2. Reports: Secretary's Report: Stephanie I. read the minutes. Minutes approved. … [Read more...]
Announcement about Plain Language Big Book
We received this info from Area 1 Delegate Tomy G. The General Service Board (GSB) reviewed correspondence received since the 74th General Service Conference (GSC) pertaining to Plain Language Big Book: A Tool for Reading Alcoholics Anonymous which included letters of concern, appeals, process concerns, and letters of support. Each person who submitted correspondence will receive a personal response. Related floor actions that were proposed but then forwarded to the applicable … [Read more...]
Plain Language Big Book – What, When, How, and Why?
The Plain Language Big Book is an upcoming publication to make Alcoholics Anonymous's (AA) foundational text more accessible. The initiative aims to translate the original Big Book into plain and simple language to help those who may find the original text difficult to understand. Many members have heard about this project, but some have not. There has been much confusion and misinformation about the purpose of the book. District 2 hosted an online information session with Tomy G, the Area … [Read more...]
Area Quarterly Group Contribution Report
This is the latest report from the Area Treasurer, and it's messed up. It shows contributions for the third quarter as $0, which would be fitting since the quarter started the day the report was generated. But if you look at the last contribution date, you'll see the previous contributions from groups that made contributions in the second quarter. All other groups showed 0 dollars contributed to Area 2 in the 2nd Quarter. Click here to download the entire District 2 … [Read more...]
Cullman Group 4th of July Celebration
It's happening on Saturday, June 29th. Don't miss it. And bring a dish—meeting at 7 PM, Barbecue, and potluck to follow. … [Read more...]
Cullman Group invites the district to celebrate July 4th with Potluck dinner and 2 meetings
Click the image for Event Details The Cullman Group invites everyone to celebrate July 4th with a 7 p.m. meeting, a potluck dinner with barbecue, and then the 9 p.m. candlelight meeting. Bring a dish to share. … [Read more...]
Print the New Email Registration Flyer
The Email Registration Flyer has been prepared for your group so they can quickly sign up for the District 2 email list. This list is set up to ensure that everyone in our district is informed about upcoming events and AA news. It's simple to do. If you're at your computer, download the flyer here. Or click the image to download the flyer. … [Read more...]
Memorial Service for Tony Legg
June 22, 2024. 12-4 PM 2580 Vaughn Bridge Road, Hartselle, AL … [Read more...]
Founders’ Day 2024
District 2 Will Celebrate the 89th Founders' Day with a Picnic at Sportsman Lake Park in Cullman on June 8th, 2024 District 2, like most other AA Districts in the country, has celebrated AA Founders' Day for many years. However, among the hot dogs and hamburgers, we often forget what Founders Day is. This year, join us at Sportsman Lake Park in Cullman as we honor those who have left us. Saturday, June 8th, from 10 AM to 5 PM. Al-Anon Speaker at 11 AM Hamburgers and Hot Dogs at Noon … [Read more...]
Area Assembly Venue Selection Results
You may know that the quarterly Area Assembly held at the Clarion Conference Center in Auburn has been under review for quite some time. Due to the loss of their franchise, the state of the hotel, and the end of the contract period in July, the search for a new location for the Area Assemblies has been underway for a while. District 2 received a note from the Area 1 chair with a PowerPoint presentation about the new assembly options. Clarion is still one of these, even though the facility's … [Read more...]
2024 First Quarter District Contributions to GSO
Each quarter, we receive financial reports detailing our district groups' contributions. No group is required to contribute to GSO. But, of course, there will be no AA without the General Services Office. Here's the email received from the GSB Treasurer. Dear DCM, Warmest Greetings from the General Service Office. Enclosed is a detailed statement of the contributions received from groups in your district for the first quarter of 2024. This report reflects contributions by groups who are … [Read more...]
2024 Mountain Top Round-Up Recordings
The 2024 Mountain Top Round-Up featured six speakers. It was held at Guntersville State Park again this year, and it featured a beautiful view and great fellowship for three days. In addition to six speakers, there were two meetings each day, a couple of workshops, and a hospitality room with refreshments from morning to night where folks could eat and chat. Speakers included: Al-Anon Susie R. from Birmingham, AL. Marissa W. from Sandy Hook, CT. Alateen Stephen W. from Sandy … [Read more...]
74th General Service Conference Quick Reference
It's amazing how much work gets done in the annual General Service Conference meetings in New York. Of course, it all starts with the work we do in the pre-conference efforts at the group level. That's why it's so important for our groups to participate in those tasks. With our efforts, we arm our delegate, Tomy G., to represent our voice in New York as the decisions are made. Most of the time, most of the members don't have any insight into the results though unless they attend one of the … [Read more...]